Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tips Preventing and Overcoming Insomnia

Insomnia is a disorder insomnia, usually the patient became restless and tormented at bedtime.

Causes of insomnia can be of physical or psychological factors like stress, depression, mental disorders, or too many problems are being contemplated. If insomnia is left of course, can damage the health of this penderia insomnia.

To cope with insomnia can be done in various ways including:

     * Exercise regularly.
     * Eating a nutritious and balanced with a variety of vitamins such as vitamin B, B6, B12, B complex,   ........vitamin C, minerals, protein, calcium, phosphorus and iron.
     * Avoid drinking coffee, tea, soda, chocolate before bed.
     * Drink milk before bed.
     * Make a habit of going to sleep and wake up on time.
     * Before bed bath with warm water.
     * Create susana bedroom is quiet and pleasant, the room temperature is not hot, good ventilation.
     * No physical activity and mental overload in the evening.
     * Do not get used to taking sleeping pills.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Beautiful Skin Tips and Healthy with Natural Treatments

Various methods are used women to get beautiful and healthy skin. The proliferation of advertising has changed the mindset of a beautiful woman that were identical to whites. So maraklah whitening cosmetic products from various brands. There's that cost tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. Each offers advantages.

But few are aware that many available natural materials around us, with quality that exceeds the cosmetics on the market. If can take advantage of the good and true, then the natural ingredients are easily available it also has a high efficacy for skin needs.

The most important requirement for the skin is healthy, because healthy skin will avoid the problem. Because whites were otherwise healthy, it will arise problems such as acne, etc..

Know your skin type before selecting the type of cosmetics!
The introduction of the type of skin is needed to determine the proper skin care. This is the different kinds of skin types:

1. Normal skin, its features are: a smooth texture, radiant, bright and fresh, do not need hard to find cosmetics.
2. Dry skin, its features are: dull, thin, sensitive and easily shriveled. Rather difficult to treat dry skin, it takes a special kind of cosmetics and moisturizing dry skin. Do not wash your face often with soap facial scrub
containing (granules).
3. Oily skin, need an efficient treatment, the characteristics of oily skin are: wet, shiny, open pores, prone skin.
4. Acne skin, its features are: face full of acne, the skin is very dirty. Surface rough skin, oily wet.
5. Sensitive skin, its features are: blood vessels visible, easy to red / allergy.
Simple treatment for the skin healthy and beautiful.
1. To get a healthy skin and white, use a mask made from yam. Grated yam wear a face mask. Yam has
whitening properties and cools the skin.
2. To get beautiful skin, use a cucumber mask. Cucumber has cleaning properties of oily facial skin and
reduce itching skin disorder.
3. For veiled women, avoid using talcum powder to remove heavy exertion sweat a lot, because it makes
the skin look shabby.
4. Use a moisturizer after washing. Without powder, especially veiled women. With regular use of moisturizer
will make skin look clear.
5. Rawat skin by cleaning it with cleansing milk, followed by a refreshing, after each move.
6. Drink lots of water to keep the skin moist.
7. Daily treatment can naturally use water to wash the tea (which has been deposited overnight).
8. Get plenty of rest.
From now on, have beautiful skin naturally, practical and safe without having to waste time and money. Good luck.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Keeping Skin Tips on Staying Fresh air conditioned room

For those of you who daily always in the room air conditioner should not be too worried about the condition of your skin, you can still own and maintain the beauty of your skin to keep it always in a fresh condition, namely by:

- Prepare the eggs, honey and milk

- Take the whites of the eggs and mix with 1 tablespoon of honey and 3 tablespoons whole milk

- After the ingredients are well blended, then spread to all parts of the face up to the neck

- Allow to dry ingredients

- Once dry and then wash with warm water

- Use a moisturizer (lotion) on every morning and at night before bed.

Highly recommended to do this therapy at least 1 (one) once a week to keep skin looking beautiful and fresh.

Tips to Overcome Drunk Vehicles

To travel with family is truly a wonderful opportunity and we should enjoy, but sometimes our journey interrupted by a family member who used to get drunk while in a vehicle

To anticipate problems in a vehicle intoxicated, you can prepare the case:

A. Keep the body in a state fit and healthy for once it's advisable to get enough sleep before traveling

2. Prepare medications and foods that can prevent colds, nausea and dizziness

3. Take a seat in the front position at the rear do not

4. During the trip you can snack to keep the body in warm conditions and did not catch a cold but avoid fried foods

5. Avoid reading too long in the vehicle.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Benefits of Ginger

Ginger (Zingiber officinale), is a very popular plant rhizome as a spice and medicinal materials. Rhizome-shaped fingers are swollen in the middle sections. Dominant spicy flavor due to a ketone compound called zingeron.

Including interest Zingiberaceae ginger (retrieval-finding). The scientific name given by William Roxburgh ginger from the Greek word zingiberi, from Sanskrit, singaberi.

Ginger is thought to have originated from India. But there is also trust the ginger comes from South China. Of India, ginger is taken as the spice trade to Southeast Asia, China, Japan, to the Middle East. Then in the days of colonialism, ginger can provide a warm and spicy flavor to foods soon became a popular commodity in Europe.

Because ginger can only survive in the tropics, planting can be done only in the equatorial regions are like Southeast Asia, Brazil, and Africa. Currently Equador and Brazil became the world's largest supplier of ginger.

Ginger is the pseudo-stem trunks to a height of 30 to 100 cm. Shaped root root rhizome with flesh-colored to reddish-yellow with a pungent odor. Pinnate leaves with a length of 15 to 23 mm and a length of 8 to 15 mm. 

Ginger flower grows from the ground with a long oval-shaped 3.5 to 5 cm and a width of 1.5 to 1.75 cm. Scaly peduncle as much as 5 to 7 pieces. Green and yellow flowers. Lip and stigma purple flowers. Pistil stalk number two.

Some properties of ginger are as follows:

* Treat fever and cough and cold. Way, take 1/2 finger ginger, then finely crushed and boiled with 2 cups boiling water for about 1/2 hours. Drink water as much as one drink for 2-3 times a day.

* Treating gout. How, finely minced ginger 2 fingers and 5 spring onions, then mix together one cup of flour and water. Use to rub the sore twice a day to taste.

* Treating sore pains. Way, take an inch of ginger, then wash and finely minced. Stick it on the part that feels stiff, then wrapped and covered. Do it before bed.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Former Acne Eliminating

Naturally for a highly prioritizes appearance, acne on the face of very make bete, a little or a lot of acne scars left behind a crisis of confidence can sometimes make the sufferer. One thing is for sure an effort to overcome this disease has a lot to discuss her ranging from the traditional scientific method until, well I want to say here before we figure out a solution to overcome and eliminate acne is useful to know in advance the causes and types - types of acne who come over to you so that we can prevent it coming back and remove acne scars are left behind.

Causes of Acne1. The blockage layer of dead skin on the infected pores.2. Oil production by oil glands that are too excessive.3. Descendants factors / genetic4. Hormonal factors when a child is a teenager (puberty).5. The presence of skin irritation.6. Is experiencing stress.7. Use of contraceptives such as birth control pills, and so forth.

Types of Acne

1. Classical acne (common acne)It looks easy to spot the tiny pink bumps or redness. Common causes are stress, hormones and moist air triggers the skin to produce oil that became breeding grounds for bacteria. As a result of clogged pores due to infection with the bacteria.
Prevention & TreatmentUse a facial soap with benzoyl-peroxide, or sulfur soap to kill the bacteria causing jerawat.Bila with-the-counter acne medication does not work, go to a dermatologist to check it out at once to get prescription acne medication containing vitamin A derivatives like Retin-A .To reduce inflammation and kill bacteria, use acne medications containing benzoyl-peroxide.Antibiotic ointment containing medicines such as Garamicyn (can be purchased free) one of them, can be tried. This ointment can kill bacteria and reduce inflammation are also swelling.

2. Stone Acne / Acne CornGreat shape with great inflamed bumps, gathered in almost all areas of the face (in contrast to ordinary acne that are found only in one part of the face). This often makes acne disappear penderitanyah kepercaan themselves.

Prevention & TreatmentIt's useless if you use drugs - OTC acne medicine because it will not be able to handle this type of acne. You should consult a dermatologist to treat it. For cystic acne that only one-two, an effective cure is to ask your dermatologist acne injected with cortisone, which makes acne is cured within 48 hours.

How to Eliminate Acne UsedThere are some natural tips below you can try one of them, namely: 

Method 1: Take a piece of cassava. Peel the skin. Discard the skin. Clean. Parutkan. Dairy to get water. Brush water on your face milking existing acne scars. Do it every day for a week.

Method 2: Mash a few sticks of cinnamon bark and make a powder. Mix with a little water. Brush on acne scars. Do it for a week.

Method 3: Take 10 sireh young leaves, Clean and mashed creamed. Let face cleaned with lukewarm water and brush sireh in advance, especially on the acne scars. Allow about half an hour or until dry. Wash your face clean and dry cloth. Do 3 times a week.

Method 4: Sharpening cinnamon bark and mix with honey bees. Glue on the face of acne scars every night. The next day, wash it with lukewarm water / lukewarm.

Method 5: before bathing, usapkanlah klutuk banana skin (stone) that has been cooked on the skin. Allow about 10 minutes, as if you're dimasker. After that, rinse with water stale tea, and a new bathroom, or the second way is to smooth the old nut seeds, mixed with rose water.


How to Cope With Acne Remedy Traditional

If you ask: how to treat acne but without the use of drugs - drugs, so here is my answer: the real nature already provides a variety of plants that are able to overcome the problem of acne. These plants are: starfruit, lemon juice, noni, cucumber, and turmeric. Natural acne remedy that is sure this is a recipe from our ancestors first. The materials could also be obtained in a manner that is not difficult:

Starfruit is finely ground and mixed with a little salt water can also be used to clean the facial acne. According to some dermatologists, starfruit is cool, and efficacious as an anti-inflammatory and astrigen (minimize the pores of the skin).

2. Lemon

Citrus fruit juice contains elements of chemical compounds such as limonene, linalin acetate, acetic geranil, fellandren, sitral, and citric acid. Lime is applied to the face at night before bed and just cleaned in the morning, can be used to eliminate acne.

3. Noni 

Noni fruit is mashed also be used as a facial mask pemulus. Noni not only masks acne, but also skin fungus, dry skin and wrinkles can dilingakan with this mask and the face muscles noni could also become more relaxed.

4. Cucumber
Cucumber plants belonging to or radiating vines. The stem is downy, and the length is 3 meters. Cucumber, in addition it contains a lot of water, also contains vitamins A, B1 and C as well as several substances, such as saponin, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and sulfur.
Associated with acne, choose a young cucumber. Wash thoroughly, then cut into pieces. Gently, rub on facial acne. Get used to at least 3 times a day.

5. Turmeric 

Turmeric is a spice that is included in the ginger family. Turmeric has been used since thousands of years ago as a natural medicinal herb. In India, turmeric is an important element in traditional medicine called Ayurveda. Many Indian women use turmeric to treat acne. Turmeric can be used as an herbal alternative that can treat acne naturally. Curcumin contained in turmeric is a fantastic anti-inflammatory agent.

With the ability of these anti-inflammatory, turmeric is very suitable to be used to fight acne. To be effective, acne should be treated both inside and outside. Many people use two different substances, for both these purposes. This is where the advantages of saffron. Turmeric can be used for both the treatment of acne from the outside or inside the body. Mix a pinch of turmeric powder with a glass of milk and drink every day. This herb is effective to fight acne from the inside. For external treatment, apply a paste or grated turmeric up acne.

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